Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Chicke Breeds

This time I'm going to be talking about the different types of chickens. One or two from each letter of the Alphabet! 

A - Appenzell Pointed Hood Hen: This Hen has been in the Alps for many centuries. It was supposedly said to be bred in the 15th  century. They are adapted to the mountain conditions are able to walk on rocky ground and fly very well. They spend their nights in trees and in snow.  They have "narrow, forward-inclining hood feathers on the head". 
B-Brahma:  Brahmas are light, dark, and buff.  They have yellow skin and lay a brown egg. They are used for production of heavy roasters and are fairly decent egg layers.  The ancestry of this chicken traces all the way back to China! 
C-Cornish: They can be dark, white, white laced red, or buff. Cornish also have yellow skin and lay brown eggs. They are used a meat bird. Cornish chickens have broad muscled bodies.  They have short feathers that are pretty close to their bodies and sometimes they have areas of exposed skin.“Cornish were developed in the shire (county) of Cornwall, England where they were known as “Indian Games”. They show the obvious influence of Malay and other oriental blood. They were prized for their large proportion of white meat and its fine texture.”
D-Dorking: The Dorkings have white skin and lay a white egg. They are used for meat and eggs. They are developed for their fine quality meat.  It’s been believed that they originated in Italy, but have been introduced in Great Britain.  Dorkings have a rectangular body and very short legs.
H- Houdan: Have a white skin color and lay white eggs.  They are good egg producers and produced fairly well meat.  Orginated in France, and are high class table fowl.
J- Jersey Giant: Have yellow skin and lay brown eggs.   They are a cross between Orpingtons, Javas, and Langshans. They are becoming the largest chickens developed in America. Developed in New Jersey.
L-Langshan: have white skin and lay brown eggs. They are use for meat and eggs.  Originated in China and are still considered one of the older breeds.
M-Malay: have yellow skin and lay brown eggs. They are strictly ornamental fowl. This breed is very old from Asia.  They have projecting eyebrows which make them seem tall and appear bold.

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